about Me


Kabbeer Grrover


Mr Kabbeer Grrover is an entrepreneur and a certified numerologist.

Kabbeer had his name-spelling changed a few years ago, and has observed and noted down substantial positive changes in his personal and professional life.

Inspired by his own experience after his name-spelling change, he developed keen interest in the art of numerology, studied for it, and got certified as Numerologist.

He started providing numerology consulting services to his friends, family, and relatives, many of whom have resonated a similar positive change in their life.

Today, he is eager to effect similar positive changes in the life of everyone he can reach out to, and he would want to bring positive changes in your lives with the help of his knowledge about numbers.

Get In touch

Text Message (SMS) or Whatsapp on the above number to book an appointment.

Location: India

Email : info@kabbeer.com